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Seaport San Diego invites the community to Seaport San Diego Parks for All, a free, family-friendly event aimed at gathering public input on the future of the parks and open spaces within the Central Embarcadero on the Downtown San Diego waterfront.

Event Highlights

  • Family-Friendly Activities: Bring the whole family to enjoy fun activities including:
    • A bike rodeo for kids hosted by the San Diego County Bike Coalition
    • Sand play
    • Interactive learning about the marine and coastal environment
    • Sumo wrestling demonstrations
    • Tasty treats from Ben & Jerry’s and Seaport Fudge Factory
    • And more
  • Meet the Design Team: Engage with the experts shaping the vision for Seaport San Diego’s parks and open spaces – including an Urban Beach (pictured), living shoreline with tidepools, improved bicycle and pedestrian access, and much more. Get a sneak peek at the plans and share your valuable feedback.
  • Community Engagement: Your input is crucial in shaping a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. Join us to voice your thoughts and ideas!

Join us

in making San Diego a better and safer place to bicycle for transportation, recreation and just plain fun. And it’s Free!